Thursday, 3 May 2012

Celebrating All Things Natural Hair!

Tough, unmanageable, unfashionable... These are some of the perceptions often shared about natural hair. But there is a growing trend towards natural hair if popular magazines such as True Love, Destiny and Shimmer magazines are anything to go by. 

So all you advent Natural Hair enthusiast, there is hope for us as information and knowledge about the need to grow healthy natural hair starts making head waves across media! But for now, welcome to our exciting space for sharing this knowledge called "JO'M World"! 

A place where we share and explore all things #NaturallyBeautifullyU both, from the knowledge we have accrued over the years from our own expert research as well as from various reliable sources to ensure that we give you the most latest and up to date info on growing beautiful soft natural hair!

Additionally, we intend to use this space, to showcase the many ways in which, JO'M Cosmetics, is championing the cause for natural hair and showing the many innovative things one can do with their natural hair with the right care and treatment.

Look out for our special video blogs in which the JO'M founder, Johannah Moriti, herself will be sharing her own personal tips and natural hair secrets to her amazing and soft natural hair!

Loving and appreciating #NaturallyBeautifullyU!